DOLPHISONUS is a swimming pool alarm system destinated to equip private swimming pools.
If classical swimming pool alarms analyze the wave train or “gravitational waves” generated by the fall of a child in the water, DOLPHISONUS analyses the sound generated in the pool and especially recognizes the sound signature of a child falling down the pool water. To do this, DOLPHISONUS uses our Unique AI Based passive sonar technology.
The main advantage of this technique is linked to the high speed of sounds travelling down the water (20 time faster than in the air). DOLPHISONUS detects the fall of a child falling down the water within 0.5 second with 99.7 % accuracy contrary to all other systems available on the market today. Every second counts!
DOLPHISONUS, thanks to its analysis mode, avoid all the inconveniences of the classical swimming pool alarm systems (unwanted triggering or absence of fall detection due to sensitivity drop in the presence of the wind).
The DOLPHISONUS sensor is installed on the swimming pool coping and is equipped with a hydrophone at the end of the tube to keep it under the water. This sensor permanently monitors the pool sounds and sends these data to a dedicated tablet installed in a 200 ft range (air to air) from this sensor for analysis and activates a siren when a fall is detected. Further, you can control the system on the tablet screen or on your fingertip with your Smartphone in the perimeter of its Bluetooth connectivity range.
Detects the fall within 0.5 second with 99.7% accuracy
Works perfectly with other safety measures.
Fencing, roller covers, etc.
3 years limited warranty
Immediate free exchange in case of system failure
No maintenance
Just battery charging
System complies to ASTM-2208-08 requirements
200 ft range,
Use new generation Bluetooth low energy audio technology
Very simple to use
On Smartphone and dedicated Tablet
Automatically switches back to surveillance mode
Even after swim mode
Free smartphone
App on IO’s and Android
Dolphisonus is designed to ignore things that cause false alarms.
Dolphisonus Increases your home’s resale value